To Read or Not To Read…World War Z by Max Brooks

Happy Summer Everyone. I know I am a little bit behind on the current releases. However I have been meaning to see World War Z in the movie theater. However after learning it is based (in part) on the book by the same name. I am wondering if I should read the book first? Or see the film first? I am already aware that changes were made to fit into 2 hour plus film. So I am wondering is it worth to read the World War Z book? Also, I would love to read your reviews so feel free to leave comments to this post. Thanks.


Anticipating Man Of Steel Film

It is hard to believe in almost a week Man of Steel will be opening in the theaters across the United States. I have been eagerly been anticipating this film since I learned it was greenlit by Warner Bros a few years ago. Initally I was a bit skeptical of this Superman reboot after the debacle that was Superman Returns. However, I decided to give Man of Steel a chance once that I learned that Christopher Nolan was producing it. Christopher Nolan did wonders with rebooting the Batman franchise. Now it is Superman’s time to shine.

So far the promotional trailers and posters have really showcased the wonderful elements that made Superman one of my favorite superheroes. Henry Cavill definitely looks the part of Superman. I am curious on how he will be as Clark Kent. I am hoping that he is able to play both parts equally as well. From the early buzz from people that have seen Man of Steel so far it sounds as though this might be the summer blockbuster film of the season. We shall see. Until then…my countdown continues.

Are you looking forward to Man of Steel film? Please leave us a comment. We would like to know what you think.


THE HUNGER GAMES — The Film vs The Book

“We fight, we dare, we end our hunger for justice!”
― Suzanne Collins, Author of  The Hunger Games 

On March 23, 2012, I went and saw the film version of The Hunger Games. Since at the time I had yet to read the book series, I was able to have an open mind while watching it.

I was very impressed with the quality of the film. So much so, that I went out and bought the book trilogy! I was glad that I did. The book version expanded on the film adaptation in many different ways.

One being the introduction of the Mocking jay which will become more prominent in the next two books. Its symbolism will inspire the other Panel districts to make a change. The other was the insight into the Game makers who are responsible for keeping the audience entertained through a myriad of an elaborate deathtraps for the tributes.

Lastly the unlikely alliances and friendships that were formed in the midst of life and death situations brought a more humanistic touch to an otherwise barbaric environment.

This book took the Young Adults and Ski GI novel to another level in my opinion. It was funny, scary, and intelligent while also reflecting on some of the current issues that our society is facing right now. Kudos to  author Suzanne Collins for writing an entertaining, thought provoking work of fiction!

Overall, I highly recommend to everyone to read the books and to see the film. You won’t be disappointed!

Did you enjoy The Hunger Games? Did you prefer reading the book over the movie?

 ~DP of MVBClub